Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Stockton, CA
We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. As a parish, let us proclaim the Gospel of Christ to our community in word, deed, and truth.
The Sunday, 10:30 AM and 2:15 PM (Spanish) Masses and the 12:15 PM Daily Masses on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, will be livestreamed on our Facebook page and on our YouTube channel.
On Wednesday, March 26th, at 5:00 PM, the Church is reserved for the children in First Communion Religious Education. There will be NO regular confessions. Thank you for understanding.
El miércoles 26 de marzo, a las 5:00 PM, la Iglesia estará reservada para los niños de Educación Religiosa de Primera Comunión. NO habrá confesiones regulares. Gracias por su comprensión..
Join us for our Lenten Penance Service on Monday, April 7th, at 7:00 PM.
Acompáñanos en nuestro Servicio de Penitencia de Cuaresma el lunes 7 de abril a las 7:00 PM.
You're invited to join us for our First Friday Mass at 7:30 PM.
Estás invitado a unirte a nosotros en nuestra Misa del Primer Friday a las 7:30 PM.
First Saturdays at 7:30 am
All are invited and encouraged to make five “First Saturdays” according to the request of Our Lady in her apparitions at Fatima. Mary promised salvation to those who go to confession once a month for five months and receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of the month for five consecutive months. We invite everyone to gather in the church on the First Saturday at 7:30 am to fulfill together the various requests of Our Lady.
The schedule will be as follows:
Primeros sábados a las 7:30 am
¡Nuestra parroquia comenzará una nueva tradición para alentar a todos a hacer los cinco "Primeros Sábados" de acuerdo con el pedido de Nuestra Señora en sus apariciones en Fátima! María prometió la salvación a aquellos que se confiesan una vez al mes durante cinco meses y reciben la Sagrada Comunión el primer sábado del mes durante cinco meses consecutivos. Invitamos a todos a reunirse en la iglesia el Primer Sábado a las 7:30 am para cumplir juntos las diversas peticiones de Nuestra Señora.
El horario será el siguiente:
If you would like to make your Easter donation online, please click the above picture. Thank you for being a blessing to the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church!
Bishop Cotta provides leadership and support for our parish school. He visits Presentation School and presides over Mass at least once a year and visits classrooms as his schedule allows. He is also the presider for our 8th grade Confirmation Mass. On the business end, he approves a minimum diocesan pay scale for our staff to help schools stay competitive with the public schools. His message to the student leaders at this year's Catholic Schools Week Mass was, "You can have straight A's but if you aren't compassionate, or caring, or bear the light of Jesus to everyone you meet, your grades mean nothing."
Ana Maria Franco, the Executive Assistant to the Vicar General, Episcopal Vicar, and Chancellor, sends out the annual October Mass count spreadsheet and has helped us in working with the formulas. We work with the Bishop's office to schedule the Confirmation Masses and to seek delegation for emergency Confirmations.
Marian Graham provides leadership, direction, and support for Pastors and Principals. She meets with principals monthly and oversees diocesan school events such as the Beginning of the Year Diocesan School Staff Workshop and Mass. She works on salary scales for the teachers and presents them to Bishop Cotta for approval. She works with parents who have called the diocesan office with school concerns. She keeps schools up to date on the latest information for illness, trends, etc. Marian also also facilitates the SEEDS and Stagnaro Scholarships. She also oversees our EdJoin account and sends employment applications to principals as they are submitted.
Judee Sani heads professional development for diocesan teachers as well as the New Teacher Monthly meetups. She is a resource for ARK Religion Testing and STAR Math and Reading Standardized Assessments. She serves as the Western Catholic Education Association Commissioner and assists schools as they go through the accreditation process. She is also a resource for curriculum purchasing and continued implementation.
Jamie Bondoc works with schools to create marketing materials and other avenues to boost enrollment.
The office of Clergy Services provide our clergy with ongoing formation, training, retreats, and guidance. They also follow up on letters of suitability for visiting clergy who come to celebrate funerals and weddings.
Marriage preparation documents and resources on the diocesan website offer insights and answers to questions that we share with couples who are preparing to marry in the Church.
The Office of Development and Stewardship provides resources and materials for the BMA and Capital Campaign. They also provide up-to-date tracking of pledges, gifts, and balances.
The Office of Evangelization & Faith Formation holds monthly meetings to share information and updates on guidelines for the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. They also provide spiritual retreats and formation for catechists, ministry directors, and coordinators. They work with us on our curriculum and help with presentations by various publishers.
The Human Resources Department ensures our parish is up-to-date with HR related materials and resources. They work with us to ensure we are in compliance with local and state employment guidelines. Additionally, they work with our parish on the Safe Environment program, to protect the safety of the children and vulnerable in our community.
They are very helpful in answering questions and clarifying points. Areas of expertise they have assisted us with are sacraments (especially guidance on protocol for special circumstances) and special liturgies. They offer training for ministers to coordinate the OCIA program and remain up to date with the current norms promulgated by the USCCB.
The School of Ministry offers resources to share with our parishioners for ongoing adult formation in many different areas of spiritual growth.
The Marriage Tribunal is providing a workshop to go over the updated requirements on forms, documents, and processes that parishes need for the Sacrament of Marriage. In turn, we will be well-informed and able to assist couples looking to receive the sacrament and commit to the vocation of marriage. Additionally, they provide training and guidance on annulments.
To learn more, click here to visit our BMA Webpage.
Revival’s in the Air
Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States by helping us renew our worship of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Watch the video to learn more about the exciting journey ahead and how you can be a part of it!
Parish School:
1635 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 472-2140
Fax: (209) 320-1515