It is important to remain focused on the importance of keeping our children and young people safe from danger. Training requirements to safeguard children have been established in parishes throughout the Diocese of Stockton. These programs help ensure that all children and youth experience a safe environment in all parish activities and events. The Diocese of Stockton mandates that all people who work with children and youth in our parishes and schools (parents, grandparents, aides, teachers, catechists, athletic coaches) must undergo child abuse prevention training through the guidelines established by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This training includes being fingerprinted and background checked and completing the Virtus on-line training course entitled “Protecting God’s Children.” If you are planning on helping or assisting at your child’s school in the future, you are required to complete this training.
No one is allowed to work with or around the children unless they have completed the live scan fingerprinting and the online Virtus training. While social distancing and distance learning are today’s normal, we look forward to the future and can take this time to complete these requirements.
It is important to remember that all clergy, staff, volunteers and employees are Mandated Reporters. They are required by law to report any sign of abuse. For more information, and links on how to recognize abuse and how to report abuse with the Diocese of Stockton, click on the Safe Environment link (located under the 'Communication' tab). You may also contact the following coordinators for our parish and school:
Parish Coordinator: Abigail Orrison,
School Coordinator: Jeana Saccomagno,
Click on any of the links for steps on how to report claims of sexual abuse.
How to report claims of sexual abuse -ENGLISH
How to report claims of sexual abuse -SPANISH
Click to download the following documents.
To download the Victims Assistance document, click here.
Diocese of Stockton Victim Assistance Ministry
Amanda Horrocks, DNP, RN, PMHNP-BC
Victim Assistance Coordinator
209-466-0636 or
The Diocese of Stockton has recently been recognized to be in compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People by Stone Bridge Business Partners. Bishop Cotta and the Diocese of Stockton are committed to continue to protect the children and young people within our diocese.
To view the audit letter from Stone Bridge Business Partners, dated February 11, 2021, please click here.
In 2017 the Diocese of Stockton released a list of priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors. Today, we are announcing an update on the expansion of this list.
For more information, click the links below:
En el 2017 la Diócesis de Stockton publicó una lista de sacerdotes quienes han sido acusados creíblemente de abuso sexual de menores. Hoy, estamos anunciando la actualización y expansión de esta lista. New P
Para obtener más información, haga clic en los enlaces siguientes:
Parish School:
1635 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 472-2140
Fax: (209) 320-1515