Spiritual Resources

Mass Times

  • Livestreamed and Recorded From Our Parish

    The Eucharistic sacrifice of the Mass is the action of Christ and of God’s people, in which the human race adores the Father, through Christ, in the Holy Spirit, and the faithful join themselves to Christ in giving thanks and in acknowledging the great things God has done. The Mass is the “sacrament of unity” in which the faithful are nourished from the table of God’s Word and of Christ’s Body (General Instruction of the Roman Missal) - The Mass according to the USCCB

    ALL MASSES WILL BE INSIDE THE CHURCH. Bring your own chair to sit outside if you are uncomfortable being inside and/or if the church fills up (more pews will be available). The Sunday, 10:30 AM and 7:00 PM (Spanish) Masses, 7:00 AM Daily Masses, Weekday Spanish Masses, and Eucharistic Adoration will be livestreamed on our Facebook page. After the celebration, the recordings will also be available on our YouTube channel and website. It has once again been made obligatory for Catholics in our diocese to attend Mass on Sundays.


    • 5:00 PM Saturday (Vigil in English)
    • 7:00 PM Saturday (Vigil in Spanish, also Livestreamed on Facebook)
    • 7:00 AM
    • 8:45 AM
    • 10:30 AM (also Livestreamed on Facebook)​​
    • 12:15 PM
    • 2:15 PM (Spanish, also Livestreamed on Facebook)
    • 5:00 PM


    • 7:00 AM on Monday-Friday (MWF also Livestreamed on Facebook)
    • 12:15 PM on Monday-Friday
    • 8:00 AM on Saturday


    • 7:00 PM on the First Friday of Every Month 
  • Viewing Mass From Other Parishes

    Click on any of the below links to take you to recorded Masses.

  • Watch Mass on TV

    Standard Channels

    KQCA 58.1, Sundays at 8:00am

    KBCW 44.1- Sundays 6:30am

    FOX 40.1- Sundays 5:30am

    KTSF- 26.1- Sundays 6:00am

    KOFY- 20.4- Sundays 6:00am

    KOFY- 20.1- Sundays 6:00am​​

    EWTN on Comcast

    English - 233 or 1668

    Spanish - Channel 659

    EWTN on Direct TV

    English - Channel 370

    EWTN on on Dish Network

    English - Channel 261

  • Listen to Mass

    Relevant Radio

    5:30pm Weekday Mass

    7:00am and 5:30pm Sunday Mass


    Stockton- 1230AM KWG

    Stockton- 92.7 FM K224FB

    Modesto- 840AM KMPH

    Modesto- 1250AM KHOT

Grow Your Faith

Online Learning

  • Fr. Mark's Recommendations

    Father Mark's Recommendations on Four Excellent Websites to Understand Catholic Teachings:

    For general information about Catholic faith (provides a free powerhouse of articles, audio, and video on various topics of the Faith).



    For scientific information that supports our beliefs.

    Website for Fr. Robert Spitzer, former president of Gonzaga University



    For support for people who experience same-sex attraction.


    For information about gender issues.

    St. Paul Center – Male and Female 


  • Formed

    FORMED is like a Catholic Netflix, bringing awesome movies and programs into the comfort of your home.

    You are invited to click the link below, for the FORMED website, where you may create a FREE account as a parishioner of Presentation. After a few simple steps, you'll be able to access and enjoy all that FORMED has to offer!

    There are a few easy steps for new parishioners to Sign Up on FORMED:

    1. Visit http://signup.formed.org/
    2. Enter our parish zip (95207) or name
    3. Select "Church of the Presentation of the BVM" when it appears
    4. Click "Next"
    5. Enter your name and email
    6. Click Sign Up

  • Understanding the Scriptures

    The Understanding the Scriptures Podcast provides a 100% free Bible study that takes you through the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. You can listen on your smartphone while driving!

  • Word on Fire

    Featuring the acclaimed work of Bishop Robert Barron, WordonFire.org is an excellent source of online videos, study programs, DVDs, books, lectures, CDs, and articles.

  • Catholic Home Study

    The Knights of Columbus provide a free study course at CatholicHomeStudy.org, which is mailed directly to you, at no cost! The study consists of 9 books (and workbooks) that highlight the major tenets of the Catholic Faith. Topics such as the Mass, Mary, the Bible and Prayer are explained in an easy and relatable style that appeals to people of all ages. Throughout your reading, you will have online support and tutors to answer all your questions and concerns.

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