'"..Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40
Members of a stewardship parish are ready to minister to the varied needs of their own parish family as well as the needs of the wider community and Church. Just as the members of a family come together to help one of their own, a stewardship parish family serves those who are hurting or in need, doubting, or seeking salvation. The parish family also comes together to celebrate, thank and return God's gifts.
We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world.
The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others as if they were Christ in disguise. They "are charitable actions by which we help our neighbors in their bodily needs" (USCCA). They respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together through this life.
A special collection is taken during the year when there are five Sundays in the month. These donations are set aside and used to provide support to parishioners who are in need of temporary emergency assistance. Requests are handled confidentially.
Staff Liaison:
Assists with various tasks and areas as needed at the Ministry Center (parish office).
Staff Liaison:
Volunteers are needed to wash and iron the linens and altar server albs used at Mass.
Staff Liaison:
This ministry is comprised of five to six members selected on a rotating basis to serve weekly for one month at a time. They meet Friday afternoons or Saturday mornings for an hour or two to assist in maintaining the beauty of our worship space by ensuring a clean environment. Several members also care for the altar linens and altar server albs. There are no regularly scheduled meetings. When requested, Altar Society members assist the Environment Ministry.
Staff Liaison:
The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), through the vehicle of sports, provides the youth of the parish with an opportunity to practice Christian attitudes and responsibilities and to become friends with other children throughout the diocese. CYO activities are an example of Christian sportsmanship. The guiding principle behind the enforcement of this coed activity is that the behavior of everyone involved in CYO should not detract from children’s enjoyment of sports. Volunteer opportunities are available as athletic board directors, coaches, team parents, registration/eligibility coordinator, snack bar coordinator, uniform coordinator, banquets coordinator, underwriting/fund-raising coordinator, referees, scorekeeper, and timekeeper.
Athletic Directors:
Staff Liaison (Presentation Parish School):
Members help prepare the church environment during the liturgical year. This ministry enhances the church, by art and design, so that parishioners can participate more fully, consciously, and actively.
Staff Liaison:
This Ministry is a link between Presentation and parishioners who are homebound or infirm. Men and women of the parish minister to their brothers and sisters in Christ who cannot participate in person, either for a short time or on a long-term basis. This ministry includes bringing the Eucharist and sharing the Word, visiting, listening, and being present when someone is in need of support and comfort. Parishioners who have received the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation are encouraged to be part of this vital service to our extended community. All parishioners can be part of this ministry by their faithful support through prayer. Friends, neighbors or family members of those who would benefit from this ministry are encouraged to call.
Staff Liaison:
The Order of the Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization of Catholic women founded on the principle of its motto: Unity, Friendship, and Charity. These women come together as a sisterhood to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church, bringing spiritual benefits to its members and contributing to the common good of humanity. By their faith, they are called to serve, inspired, and challenged to do God’s work. They are committed to foster individual participation by way of mutual understanding, charitable activities, and social interaction. As these women strive for the development of all that is best and truest in womanhood, they ultimately emerge in the community as a positive influence to uphold the high ideals of life and morals. This ministry meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Thursday of the month.
Staff Liaison:
Help is needed to solicit underwriting for the annual Presentation Parish School event, work in various booths (food, games, rides, etc.), set up, and clean up.
Staff Liaison (Presentation Parish School):
Our Social Justice Ministry has partnered with the Family Promise of San Joaquin County! We are excited to launch “Family Promise,” our new social justice program. Our partner church through the program is St. Andrews Lutheran Church. Four times per year, together with our partner church, we will provide a week of hospitality, meals, set up, and tear down for two or three families experiencing homelessness. St. Andrews will provide housing for the week.
Staff Liaison:
The Presentation Food Pantry supports needy families in the community on the First and Third Saturdays of every month from 6:30 am to 8:30 am (or until supplies last) in St. Ann's conference room. There are only two exceptions to these dates and times which are Holy Saturday.
The Food Pantry distributes canned and boxed goods, rice, beans, eggs, meat, bread, and fresh fruit and produce. During 2016, Presentation Food Pantry assisted an average of 60 families and 218 individuals each Saturday.
Volunteers are always welcome and for more information contact the facilitator.
Staff Liaison:
The Homeschool Co-Op offers a welcoming environment for Homeschooling Families to support each other. During the traditional school year, families meet on Fridays at 10 am and then attend the 12:15 pm Mass. In addition, parents and their children attend Children's Adoration in the church on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 10 am to 11 am.
Staff Liaison:
Through families and fellowship, the Italian Catholic Federation promotes and supports the Catholic faith and its values, encourages apostolic and charitable works, and celebrates our Italian American heritage and all the heritages of our communities. This ministry meets at 5:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Staff Liaison:
The Presentation Knights (Knights of Columbus Council 10478) is an organization for Catholic men, which emphasizes strong spiritual principles. Its purpose and mission for Presentation Parish are charity, unity, fraternity, spiritual growth, and patriotism. Through financial and manual support for the church, school, and other ministries, they have a positive influence in the parish. This ministry meets at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.
Grand Knight:
Staff Liaison:
The Lourdes Refuge is a faith-based support group for those 18 years old and over affected by emotional and mental health issues. In Lourdes Refuge one will be able to share and listen in a process called “support through shared experience.” This basic human method of support is one where empathy and support are fostered by shared experience and group wisdom amongst the group members. A trained facilitator will guide the group processes. This ministry meets at 6 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
Staff Liaison:
The Media Ministry shares news, tells stories, and builds community for the parish through digital and print media. Our goal is to use technology for evangelization as well as to bring our parish family closer together. Volunteers work together in the areas of audiovisual, graphics, print, and social media evangelization. Whether you prefer social media, electronic communications, or traditional print materials, Presentation Parish has communications tools to help you stay connected and informed. The team works together in the following subcategories.
Staff Liaison:
Members of the school PTO attends meetings and helps at Presentation Parish School events.
Staff Liaison: (Presentation Parish School):
Parishioners from this ministry make routine and friendly calls to other parishioners to see how they are doing.
Are you at home and not able to come to Mass? Have you recently been in the hospital? Could you use a friendly call from a fellow parishioner? If you would like a call from a parishioner to check in and see how you are doing, and/or would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact our coordinator.
Staff Liaison:
The Presentation Seniors' group (55+) is dedicated to spending time in friendship, reinforcing spiritual values, and participating in charitable activities. Trips are organized for religious areas, local sightseeing, and casino visits. Regular activities include group luncheons, Bingo parties, theater viewings, and visiting the infirm. All individuals age 55 or over are invited to join. This ministry meets at 10 am on the 1st Thursday of the month.
Staff Liaison:
Human life is sacred from its beginning. It involves the creative action of God, who alone is the Lord of Life from its beginning until its end. Our mission is to promote Respect for Life from the beginning of life until its natural end.
Staff Liaison:
Serves on a committee to advise principal and pastor on Presentation Parish School matters.
Staff Liaison: (Presentation Parish School):
Assists with various tasks and areas as needed at Presentation Parish School.
Staff Liaison: (Presentation Parish School):
Objectives and Purposes:
This ministry meets at 12 pm on the 3rd Monday of the month.
Staff Liaison:
Based on Catholic Social Teaching, the goal of the Social Justice Ministry is to promote the dignity of all human beings and encourage connections between parishioners and needs, linking interests and talents in service to others. Focus areas are direct services with an emphasis on serving the poor, Respect Life, caring for God’s Creation (environmental justice), solidarity with sisters and brothers around the world, restorative justice for both victims and those imprisoned, community organization, peace, and advocacy. This ministry meets at 7 pm on the 2nd Monday of the month.
Staff Liaison:
The Giving Tree is a year-round project, with quarterly activities. Parishioners are asked to provide supplies for the clients of organizations such as St. Mary’s Community Services and the diocesan Community of Caring’s programs for teen parents and their children. This ministry also conducts the Advent Season Angel Tree Christmas gift program for children of our Food Pantry and children of prison inmates.
Staff Liaison:
The Legion of The Mary is a service and communion ministry, and members make weekly visits to care facilities for seniors, to young people at Peterson Juvenile Hall, and mental and general hospitals to deepen the spiritual life of those they visit. Legion members are also available to assist with funeral rosaries.
The Legion of Mary offers a balanced program that helps its members become better Christians. Guests are welcome.
Junior Legion
(meets on Tuesdays at 3:30 pm.)
Queen of Apostles Presidium
(meets Wednesdays at 10:00 am)
Our Lady of Light Presidium
(meets Wednesdays at 6:00 pm)
Nuesta Señora de los Milagros Presidium
(meets Tuesdays at 6:30 pm)
Staff Liaison:
Keep our parish grounds beautiful! The ministry meets at 8 am on Tuesdays.
Staff Liaison:
Parish School:
1635 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 472-2140
Fax: (209) 320-1515