In Baptism, the Holy Spirit moves us to answer Christ's call to holiness. In Baptism, we are asked to walk by the light of Christ and to trust in his wisdom. We are invited to submit our hearts to Christ with ever deeper love. ~from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults | en español
Baptism for infants requires advance preparation of at least two months, which includes a Baptism Preparation Class. Baptism for teenagers and adults is conducted through our RCIA program.
Baptisms for infants and children (through 6 years old) in English and Spanish are held on designated Saturdays throughout the year excluding Lent.
In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin—and the resulting guilt—is a universal experience. Maybe we try to justify our sins and ignore the guilt. Maybe the guilt becomes all-consuming, and we can’t see a way out. But that guilt isn’t meant to be ignored or to consume us. Guilt is a wake-up call, and God wants to use it to draw us mercifully back to himself.
Infants and Children through 6 years old
Ministry Center
Phone: 209-472-2150
Hours: Monday thru Friday (by appointment only)
Children 7 years old through 8th grade
Minister of Religious Education
Nancy Gomez
Phone: 209-320-5714
RCIC - Elementary
9th grade through 12th Grade
Minister of Religious Education
Nancy Gomez
Phone: 209-320-5714
Post High School/Adults
Deacon Scott A. Johnson
Phone: 209-320-5713
Phone (Direct): 916-712-0499
Presentation Parish provides formation to prepare parents and godparents for the responsibilities they undertake with the baptism of young children. Volunteer catechists in this ministry lead sessions to prepare parents and Godparents for the Baptism of their young children. In both English and Spanish, the preparation sessions include catechesis, spiritual growth, and community building.
Participation in the Baptism Preparation Class is a requirement for all parents and godparents seeking Baptism for their children.
Please keep in mind:
Once the parent has the completed registration form, child’s county-issued birth certificate, and collected the permission letter(s) and proof of baptism preparation class from another parish, email to schedule an appointment to turn these documents in. If the baptism preparation class will be taken at the Church of the Presentation, the class date can also be selected during the scheduled appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: We strongly suggest that you do not send out invitations prior to officially scheduling the baptism as the Church of the Presentation is NOT responsible if there is a scheduling conflict.
Lista de Verificación de Registro de Bautismo:
Una vez que se hayan recopilado el formulario de registro, la(s) carta(s) de permiso y la prueba de la clase de preparación para el bautismo, envíe un correo electrónico a para programar una cita para entregar estos documentos y seleccionar la fecha de bautismo preferida. Si la clase de preparación para el bautismo se tomará en la Iglesia de la Presentación, la fecha de la clase también se puede seleccionar en este momento.
TENGA EN CUENTA: Le recomendamos encarecidamente que no envíe invitaciones antes de programar oficialmente el bautismo ya que la Iglesia de la Presentación NO es responsable si hay un conflicto de programación. Tanto la clase de preparación como la ceremonia de bautismo están programadas por orden de llegada. Debido a COVID-19, se pueden aplicar restricciones adicionales, incluyendo el aplazamiento de los bautismos programados.
For Baptism Information (Infant-6 years old) in English, please click the following:
Infant Baptism Registration Instructions
Infant Baptism Registration Form
Para Información Bautismal (Infantes – 6 años) en Español, por favor haga clic en lo siguiente:
Instrucciones de Registro para el Bautismo Infantil
Formulario de inscripción de bautismo infantil
Parish School:
1635 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 472-2140
Fax: (209) 320-1515