The parish is vital in the faith formation for Catholics. Every person in the pews, every Catholic in our parish community . . . . child or adult . . . is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship.
Our Religious Education program is meant to supplement the Religious formation already happening in the home. Parents are the first and foremost educators of their children. Our program is more than just a sacrament preparation program. It helps to strengthen the roots of a lifelong journey with Christ.
It is through catechesis, (Religious Education) that we continue to grow in our Catholic faith and to allow our children to broaden their faith and knowledge of Jesus. Children, from Kindergarten through 8th grades, are helped to learn about and deepen their Christian faith and identity through initiation rites, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sacrament of First Eucharist, and instruction and formation of conscience. Furthermore, catechesis is recognizing the contemporary concern for education in morality and values in the teaching of the Catholic faith and parental guidance. Classes are offered weekly during the school year.
Parents: The Primary Catechists
Parents are truly the primary catechists of their children. They prepare the soil and plant the first seeds of faith. On Catechetical Sunday, we not only highlight the work of catechists in parishes and schools, but we also commend parents and guardians and encourage them to take seriously their role of making their Catholic households a place where faith is passed on to the next generation. This is why the rite of blessing of catechists used on Catechetical Sunday includes an optional blessing of parents and guardians.
Kindergarten - 12 grade Faith Formation Program
Registration for the 2024-25 process year is closed.
Our Goals:
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Begins in the 1st grade and is received in the 2nd grade
Sacrament of Eucharist (First Communion) - Begins in the 2nd grade and is received in the 3rd grade
Sacrament of Confirmation - NOW begins in the 6th grade and is received in the 8th grade.
Sacramento de la Reconciliacion (Confesion) - Comienza en el 1er grado y se recibe en el 2ndo grado
Sacramento de la Eucaristía (Primera Comunion) - Comienza en el 2nd grado y se recibe en el 3er grado
Sacramento de Confirmacion - YA comienza en el 6to grado y se recibe en el 8vo gradoNew Paragraph
Through the teaching of the Catholic Faith in all of its fullness, our children will come to know the Lord Jesus more deeply, so that they might have communion with Him and with one another in the Holy Spirit, so as to glorify God the Father and come to the love that never ends. This fosters and supports the formation of the people of the Diocese in the ways of Christ Jesus and in their ongoing conversion to Him.
The middle school youth ministry experience was created for early adolescents in the 7th & 8th grades. It is designed to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of young adolescents. It offers guidance, reassurance, and Jesus’ love, to a group of people who have so many options and choices before them.
The RCIC program is an adaptation for children from the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program. This program is for children who were not baptized Catholic before the age of 7, and for those children who are coming from another faith community and would like to be baptized in the Catholic Church. Classes are offered for 2nd grade through 8th grade.
We are utilizing "A Family of Faith, Catechesis for the Whole Family" as the curriculum for our 'at-home' catechesis. Our Family Program is an innovative approach for the whole family to learn more about the Catholic faith. A Family of Faith will help you to live and teach your children the Catholic Faith at home.
Program is currently on hold.
The Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people (1 Pet. 2:9; cf. 2:4-5), is their right and duty by reason of their baptism.
~from The Constitution On the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium...14
On Sundays, during the 12:15 p.m. (English) and 2:15 p.m. (Spanish) Masses, we offer Children's Liturgy Of The Word (CLOW). Just before the first reading, the children are excused to gather in one of our meeting rooms, with Catechists and volunteers, to hear the Sunday readings and recite prayers and songs of the faithful. The children receive an age-appropriate message on how the readings apply to them.
Adults and teens are invited to volunteer in this vibrant ministry for our parish children. Training and support will be provided. Contact our Minister of Religious Education, Nancy Gomez, for details.
Matthew 19:14 "But Jesus said, "let the children come to me, and do not hinder them: for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven".
Program is currently on hold.
We love to have young children enjoy and participate in Sunday Mass, it is their Baptismal right, after all. However, we offer Toddler Time so that you may attend Mass without them. It provides a safe and nurturing environment for children ages 2-4 (must be potty trained) during the 8:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses. Parents are required to assist in the program every couple of months and must remain on the campus while their children are in Toddler Time.
Toddler Time for ages 2-4. Children must be potty trained.
Masses: 8:45 am and 10:30 am
Tiempo de Niños para edades 2-4 años de edad, deben ir solos al baño.
Misa de 8:45 am y 10:30 am.
Please call Nancy Gomez if you require further information.
Classroom Catechist or Leader
Catechists are women and men who have responded to a ministerial call that includes a willingness to give an hour and a half a week to assist with the faith formation of our parish children. Curriculum, books, and supplies are provided for you. Catechists use their talents that will enrich the lives of these public school children every day. Catechists come from many parts of our faith community; there are senior citizens, singles, high school students, and parents of children at our parish school who are involved in Catechetical ministry. Most catechists find the experience very enriching and rewarding. The youth are our future - please share your time to enrich their lives.
Classroom Aide
A Classroom Aide is someone who assists our catechists in the classroom with crafts, copying, Bible story readings, and many other important tasks. It only requires an hour and a half a week to share with students.
Parents Are Primary Catechists
Parents are truly the primary catechists of their children.
The diocesan office of Evangelization & Faith Formation offers Catechist Specialization Courses with updates from the New Directory for Catechesis, for new and seasoned catechists! Together let’s build Bishop Cotta’s army of catechists!
For questions, please email the diocese at
Para la formación continua a través de la Diócesis de Stockton, haga clic aquí.
La oficina de Evangelización y Formación de Fe ofrece cursos de especialización para catequistas nuevos y con experiencia! ¡El curso incluye actualizaciones del nuevo Directorio para la Catequesis! ¡Juntos construiremos un ejército de catequistas para el Obispo Cotta!
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Visita el enlace ongoing Formation - Diocese of Stockton - Stockton, CA
Parish School:
1635 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95207
Phone: (209) 472-2140
Fax: (209) 320-1515